Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quick Update

I didn't get the costume done before NYCC due to a series of bad luck, unexpected expenses, and a day full of random photo and video shoots.

So, instead of being my costume for 2011 NYCC, this is instead going to be my Halloween costume and for whatever cons I happen to make it to in 2012!  The costume is coming along really well and should definitely be ready for it's premier at the multiple parties I'm going to this weekend (and at The Home of Happiness's screenings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Montclair, NJ...  Where I'll also be MCing and playing Riff Raff on Friday!).

Not going to post any more photo updates until after the weekend, though.  I've decided to keep the final costume as a bit of a surprise just in case anyone going to the show is actually reading this thing.

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